- BlackAlps Organizers
Security At Snap
- Jad Boutros
Fingerprint All The Things With Scannerl
- Adrien Giner
Security Breaches: What's Your Legal
Obligations And How To Survive To A Breach?
- Sylvain Métille
Security Review Of Proximity Technologies:
Beacons And Physical
- Renaud Lifchitz
Active Directory Threats & Detection:
Heartbeat That Keeps You Alive May Also Kill You!
- Harman Singh
Lowering The Entry Fee To The IoT Bugfest
- Benjamin Vernoux
Locky Strike:
Smoking The Locky Ransomware Code
- Rommel Joven
Fighting Cyber Threats to Switzerland
- Mauro Vignati
Java JSR 241 and 341-RCE state of mind
- Gregory Draperi
Let's Play with WinDBG & .NET
- Paul Rascagneres
16 Ans De (Cyber)-Sécurité En Suisse Romande:
Évolutions, Perspectives
- Paul Such
Exploiting Hash Collisions
- Ange Albertini
Leveraging Threat Modelling For
Improved Information Risk Management
- Stéphane Adamiste
Parsing JSON Is A Minefield
- Nicolas Seriot
Turla APT-Attack Against Ruag Conf
- Andreas Greulich and Reto Inversini
Down The Rabbit Hole: How Hackers Exploit
Weak SSH Credentials To Build DDoS Botnets
- Christophe Tafani-Dereeper
Improvements To Internet Voting In Geneva
- Thomas Hofer
Snuffleupagus: Killing Bugclasses In PHP7,
Virtual-Patching The Rest
- Julien Voisin and Sébastien Blot